We heard you, our valued customers, and we're excited to announce the latest addition to ZebPay! Get ready for the thrill as ZebPay introduces an exclusive feature based on your feedback: the ability to place orders swiftly at your chosen price across more than 150 trading pairs. Enjoy the ease and accuracy of instant trading like never before, setting ZebPay apart as one of the premier exchanges providing this exceptional functionality.

How does it work?

Prepare to be amazed by its simplicity! With minimal adjustments to the current user interface, this feature offers a seamless and effortless trading experience like never before.

Step 1: Head to the Quick Trade Section on ZebPay

Step 2: Select the Coin you want to buy


Step 3: Select the “Limit” Option


Step 4: You can either enter the amount or the quantity which you want to buy

Step 5: You can set the “Limit Price” as displayed on the screen. This will create an order to be executed at your desired price

Step 6: Click on the “ Preview Summary” button and check the order details. Please note that Fees and GST are exclusive of the buying amount

At ZebPay, we're committed to empowering our users with innovative solutions. With this latest addition, we guarantee a seamless experience in Quick Trade, ensuring effortless trading for all. Plus, this feature is now accessible via the Web, offering even more convenience and flexibility.

Isn't it exciting? No more waits, dive in now!