We recommend you to try performing the below troubleshooting steps:

  • If you're using mobile data, please try switching to a Wi-Fi connection to check if it works fine.

  • Check that you have good network connectivity while using the app

  • Ensure that your registered mobile number is being used on the same device on which the app is installed and please ensure you have updated the app to the latest version.

  • For Android users, clear the cached data from your device by going into Settings >> Apps >> ZebPay >> Clear Cache. Logout from the application and log in again.

  • Refresh your app by tapping on the 3 lines on the top left of the app and then tapping on the refresh icon on the top right if you experience such an issue.

In case the issue is still not resolved, as a last resort simply reinstall the ZebPay mobile app and try accessing the app again.

You can also try logging into our website and check if this works fine for you or raise a ticket (Submit a ticket) for us to investigate further along with the below details:

a) Screen recording of the app for the above workaround

b) Mobile device & Operating system (with version number) on which you’re trying to use the app

c) version of the ZebPay app that you’re using

d) Network provider & Location